The following players are compatible with Windows and can be downloaded without cost and evaluated beforehand. Which media player do you find to be the most effective? We have compiled a list of the ten best media players that have received unanimous praise from our readers. Movie-watching ranks high on our list of favorite computer activities. It is unlikely that you will run into many playback issues when using the player as its support for common and not so common codecs is quite good.In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, new software is released daily that helps us make better use of our computer time. There does not seem to be an option anymore to install them separately. Update 2: The codes are installed automatically alongside SMPlayer now.

I'm not sure why the codec pack is not offered anymore as a separate download. Existing SMPlayer users may need to run the installer again if they have not installed the extra codec pack before. If you check that box, they will be downloaded and installed on your system. Update: Please note that you are now asked during installation of SMPlayer if you want to install the additional codecs. I probably would only install it if I would encounter a video that I could not play properly though. The codec package adds 63 new files to the codec directory. The only possibility that I can think of right now is to search for the filenames in a search engine which will reveal their purpose. The major problem that I ran into was that I was not able to find a list of the codecs that are installed this way. These codecs will also be installed as so called binary codecs straight into the SMPlayer folder. I recently discovered that a so called additional codecs package for SMPlayer, and MPlayer obviously, is available and can be installed to support additional video and audio formats. They are actually stored in the SMPlayer directory and not as global codecs which means it is highly unlikely that you will run into incompatibilities with other programs or in the player when you play audio or video files. A great advantage of SMPlayer in my opinion is the way it stores the codecs.